Just two days left before I'm headed to Kenya. I can't believe it's already here! Everyone has been asking me if I'm excited, or scared, or what? I'm a little bit of everything at this point, and I've definitely entered the freak out stage. I'm nowhere near ready to go - still have quite the to-do list. Packing still needs to be started. Shoot, un-packing from my visit to my Dad's needs to be finished first. :) It will get done though!
As for what I'm going to be doing exactly... we'll see! :) It's still a bit of a mystery to my team and myself, but once we get there we will find out more. We will be living at a children's center just a bit outside of the town of Nyeri. It is home to over 150 of Kenya's street-dwelling youth, and has a variety of programs to offer the children. It mainly focuses on preparing them for their futures.We know we'll be helping the Children & Youth Empowerment Center (CYEC) in several different areas in the programs they already have developed, but we will also help start new curriculums in areas such as art and counseling.
One of the requirements of our preparation class this semester was to make a video to document what we have been doing to prepare for this summer. You can get a chance to get to know my team, and it may help clear up a few other questions you might have as well! Here it is:
I'll try to make these interesting and fun to keep you all informed, but hopefully entertained! Thanks for all your support as I've been getting ready for this trip, and please keep my team and I in your prayers this summer!